Sunday, July 12, 2020

Essay Topics For the Great Gatsby

Essay Topics For the Great GatsbyIf you are looking for essay topics for the great Gatsby, it's easy to find and it doesn't take very long. Essay topics for the great Gatsby are everywhere! You can look them up in almost any online resource and find a good variety of options. It's really very simple and you can use some of your favorite authors as your guide.Essay topics for the great Gatsby have been around for a long time. They are usually related to the main character and are what many people consider the basis of the book. The three main characters are Nick Carraway, Daisy, and Aaron Dash. Each character has a few main plot lines that we can examine and write about.The first one is The Lottery and The Ache for Peasants. These two parts of the book deal with the question of who can beat the Gatsby in the horse race? There are several points in the story where Nick claims he will be richer than the Gatsby and one thing that separates him from his billionaire is the state lottery. N ick is not interested in being rich but the lottery gives him that extra piece of mind. The second part of the book is the one dealing with Nick's wife and Daisy's past and her background.Aaron Dash was one of the most interesting characters in the novel and you can use these topics for the great Gatsby to show how Dash was frustrated by the marriage of Gatsby and so much of the book is his struggle to prove himself. While it is hard to predict who is going to be married in the end, this part of the book delves into how close Aaron and Gatsby really were. It is evident in their conversations and how they communicate on the surface. Aaron Dash is a fascinating character and you can use this as your starting point to outline how he could be an essay topic for the great Gatsby.The third part of the essay for the great Gatsby is Daisy's financial difficulties. You can see her as an unstable individual who is trying to earn enough money to give away to friends. Her struggles are brought to the forefront of the book and you can use this to find some great essay topics for the great Gatsby.As much as it is tempting to include things like these in your essay, you should be careful to avoid them. The reason is they may seem interesting but when you dig deeper, they aren't worth much. You don't want to include things you won't be able to explain or which can become too confusing for your readers. Some of the more interesting topics to use for essay topics for the great Gatsby are the ones which have a personal connection to the main characters.Some people who are familiar with the book will be able to relate to parts of it while others won't be. The point is you shouldn't include things that might alienate those readers and have them move on to another essay topic. They will leave you wondering how you can write something meaningful and helpful for them when you try to make the same mistakes as them.Even if you do include topics that are directly related to your main ch aracters, you want to make sure they aren't too distracting. Essay topics for the great Gatsby are fun to write about, but it helps to keep the focus on the main characters.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Importance of having a Mentor in Your Life - 550 Words

The Importance of having a Mentor in Your Life (Editing Sample) Content: The Importance of having a Mentor in Your Life "Whoever holds the fire and doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t pass it on is a thief" old Vikings It is an established fact that to achieve great thing one has to work with other people. We need to borrow greatness from other people before we can be great ourselves. It is in this humbleness that great things begin. Each and every great person says they trace back their greatness to a mentor even Einstein. The question that comes to mind is what a mentor is and how can he help you. What is a Mentor? A mentor is a person with a special key that unlocks your potential and help you reach your dreams. Thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s the philosophy. A mentor is a person who has experience in the field you are trying to master and he is willing to let you in. Experience, though an invaluable tool, cannot be purchased off the supermarket. It has to be earned. But the good news is that experiences can be shared as well. A mentor tell you "where to begin and what to expect on the way." Mentors spark your fire and allow you to tend to it. They provide you a rare lens through which you see the whole journey even before you take the first step. How can a Mentor help you? A mentor can help you in a number of way. Below we have listed a few Help build confidence   When you start your journey towards something new you will feel under confident. Your inner critic will tell you that you are not good enough. That speck of self- doubt may be small but is enough to devastate you eventually. Some of us can overcome our self- doubt by pep talk or auto positive suggestion but most of us needs mentor for that. We need reassurance, we need someone to remove those hurdles from our path. It just take some simple words. A little pat on the back, or maybe a small email that you are worth it or you can make it. It is one vote of confidence from your mentor that make or break your deal sometimes. Help become a resource for you forever Mentors once they come into your life are there forever. It doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t matter if you surpass them in...